8 comments on “Real Talk, Not On Gaming Today (#Blaugust 12)

  1. Thank you for sharing this. It’s uplifting to know that things can get better. I’ve had my own struggles with depression and participating in Blaugust is an attempt to switch things up for the better

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    • Thank you, and I hope switching things up helps. It SUCKS to not see how to make things better, but just because you may not see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. That’s what I learned (again), anyway.

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  2. I’ve found recently that you should write whatever you need to write about. If you deviate for a day because you need to talk about something important than that’s what you should write about.

    I like the advice you give at the end, I just wish everyone who faces this could understand that (recently lost a friend to depression).

    I’m glad to read that things have gotten better for you over the last year. Keep doing what you need to do. Having a support group to talk to is great, and I’m glad you were able to find people you could talk to.

    Just don’t forget, this is your blog so just write what you need to write about. People, generally, can be very understanding and supportive. Anyone else isn’t worth listening to.

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    • I’m so sorry about your friend, that is so hard. It IS hard to understand while in the middle, I wish there was a way to make sure everyone came out the other side.

      Thank you for your kind words. I think you’re right, trying to push away things I want to write about isn’t going to do me any good and might lead me to skip a post that could really matter. I’m blown away at the comments I’m seeing over this one, and very glad I decided to hit publish.

      Thanks for reminding me that it’s ok to take time for topics that matter to me.


  3. Creative outlets are often helpful in times of depression. Unfortunately, I have this huge creative block on me that’s really starting to piss me off since that’s what I’m struggling with right now with classes and everything. Eliminating vices from your life can be tough so kudos there. Keep up the great work!

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    • Ugh, creative blocks are NOT helpful when trying to process things – or even trying to just get things done! For a blog you can tell someone to relax, take a break if they need to, but that’s a little harder with classes.

      Thanks for the congrats – it wasn’t an easy thing to do, no. And I hope your block goes away soon!


  4. Nice to see that things have gotten better for you. In the moment there often feels like there is no hope, and even if you wanted to, depression tells you that there is nothing to look forward to. Thank you for sharing, I am sure these words will give some light to those who struggle.

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